Tuesday 23 February 2010


For my planning of my sixth form and music magazine, I created plans on a word document to outline my layouts for each magazine. These plans helped me construct my magazines and made it easier for me to know where each part goes.

Firtsly, for my sixth form and music magazine, I created a front cover plan to help me layout my front cover for the proper task of making the magazine. The plan looks like this:

I put a box for the title on the top of the page which nearly covers the whole of the top of the page. I did this because in my research, In all the front covers that I researched, they had a large title right at the top of the page. On the right of the title, I put a box for the school logo. I did this because on the other sixth form magazine front covers that I researched, they had a logo of the school on the top of the page, so I decided to put it there. There is also a main image, other articles and two other boxes for other information such as the barcode and other informative text. I placed these boxes in these positions as in my research they were in a similar position.

Secondly, I created a contents plan for my music magazine. This would then help me
complete the actual contents for my music magazine. The plan looks like this:

At the top of the plan I put a box for the title of the magazine as in my research I found that the name of the magazine is put at the top of the contents page. Below this I placed another box for the word 'CONTENTS' I did
this so the reader can tell that the page will be the contents. Below the two top boxes, I have put two more boxes for the page listings and the images which relate to the page listings. I did this as in my research there are many pictures which relate to the page listings which take up most of the page.

Finally, I created a double page spread plan for my music magazine which would again help me to complete the double page spread accurately. The plan looks like this:

I put a box on the left top hand corner for the title of the main article as the double page spreads that I researched had their main title as the main article. Next, I put another box below the title box which is going to have the main article text inside which will cover the first half of the page. On the right hand side, I put a large box for the main image of the double page spread and another box above this for the smaller articles in the magazine.

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