Tuesday 23 February 2010


For the construction of my magazines, I started to create my sixth form and music magazine. I did this by using all the research that I found and all the photos and pictures I took and found.

Sixth form magazine front cover

Firstly, I created an adobe photoshop document and made the page to the correct dimensions for my front cover. I then chose the colour that I wanted for the background which was dark blue. I then added the title of my magazine which was Waseley Hills High School & Sixth form Centre. With this title, I made it look proffessional by adding drop shadows, choosing the colour and font. The title looked like this:

I then placed this title on the top of the page.

Secondly, for my sixth form magazine front cover, I needed to have a main image for the magazine so I took a photo of my friend who will represent the sixthformer on the my front cover for my magazine. I took many photos with the camera and chose the best one. This is the photo that I chose:

I then adjusted the background so it matched the front cover and adjusted the photo slightly to make it look proffessional and so it suited the front cover. I also positioned the photo on the left hand side covering most of the page but leaving some space for text.

After adding the photo to the front cover I created some text which I added to the front cover. I made them in different colours and fonts so they stood out and added some affects to them. I also created a little star with the price of the magazine in it on a word document and added it to the front cover to make it look like a real magazine. I also found an image of the school crest which I also added to the front cover. With both the star and the school crest, I made sure that their backgrounds were the same as the front cover and made them blend into the background to make it look proffessional. This is what the school crest and star with price in looked like:

After constructing the front cover and finalizing it all this is what the sixth form magazine front cover looked like when it was finished:

Music magazine front cover
, contents and double page spread

Firstly, for my front cover of my magazine I created an adobe photoshop document and made a page which is the same size and dimensions as the sixth form magazine front cover. I chose the colour for the background which was white with a hint of grey. I then created a title for the magazine which was tune and I made it look like a real, professional title by choosing a font, colour and adding affects to it such as strokes and drop shadows. This is what the title looked like:

I then needed a main image for my front cover so I took a photo of my friend and blacked him out leaving an outline of him. This gave a great affect to make the magazine look proffessional and real. This photo takes up nearly all the page and acts as the main image of the front cover. Next, I created lots of short texts that I could place around the main image to make it look like a real magazine. I changed the texts font and gave them different colours and strokes and I positioned them horizontally to make it look more proffessional. Here is what some of the text looked like when I finished them and placed them onto the front cover:

For the next bit of the construction for the front cover of the music magazine is I found an image of a bar code which I placed on the bottom right of the front cover. This makes it look like a real magazine and this is what I found in my research of other music magazine front covers. I also created another star with the price of the magazine in on a word document. This is what the bar code looks like:

After I have constructed all these things and put the front cover together, this is what the final product of the front cover looks like:

The next part of the task was to create a contents page for my music magazine. To construct the contents I firstly had to create an adobe photoshop document which is the same size and dimensions as the front cover. I chose the colour which was a fading black to grey which suited the type of magazine that it is and I also created a title for the top of the page. The title is Tune This Week. I gave it a different colour and added affects to it to make it stand out.

The next thing that I constructed for the contents is to add an image which relates to the text.
I took a photo of my friend who pretended to be a DJ and I edited the picture by changing the background and placing it onto the page. I also added a green fade around the outline of the photo ti give it a proffessional look. This is what the photo looked like when I first took it:

The next part of construction for the contents is I had to create some text to put as my page listings. I made the font different and gave them a different colour than the page numbers. I also added a fading green line which seperates the images and the page listings and it goes right accross the page giving a very nice affect. After all this construction this is what the contents looked like when it was finished:

The final part of construction for the main task was to construct a double page spread for the music magazine. The first thing that I had construct was to create another adobe photoshop document. I chose the colour which was light blue and made it so the dimensions were like two pages stuck together. After I done this I created a title for the double page spread which was the title of the main article which was exclusive interview with DJ Wrighty. I made the title large, bold, changed the font and gave it affects to make it stand out.

The next thing that I constructed was making a main image which would take up most of the two pages. To do this I used the photo that I used in the contents but made it larger. I added a green tint around the photo to make it stand out and look proffessional.

The final bit of construction for the double page spread was to create some text for the main article. I made the text and made the font very small and all in the same allignment so it looks
like a real magazine. I also made the text a different font to everything else to show that it is the main article.

After contructing all these things to make the double page spread, this is what the finished product of it looks like:

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